| General Information Guide Informations for friends of Texas' death row give me an e-mail for your question. P.H.@deathrow-texas.com What about the treatment of prisoners in Texas prisons? June 2004 Petition -please read and sign: http://www.PetitionOnline.com/safety04/petition.html To: Mr. Carl RAYNOLDS - TDCJ General Counsel & the TDCJ General Direction To whom it may concern, Recently, global attention has been focused for weeks on the abuse of Iraqi inmates in Baghdad's prisons. What about the treatment of prisoners in US prisons? and especially here in Texas ? Most of us, who have a loved one inside know that similar treatment might happen for any kind of reason. It might and it does occur, and it is easy to further humiliate a human being who has already been condemned and sentenced to death. Is this the picture we wish to present to the world? What is wrong for the Iraqi prisoners IS for similarly wrong for our inmates! How can we pretend to show the non-democratic world the right path to Democracy and the respect all humans inherently deserve if we are not able to start with our own prisoners, regardless of whatever they did in the past which placed them in our penitentiaries ? In Texas, there are about 150, 000 people incarcerated. Who cares about them? Thousands of complaints are filed by inmates each year and while some are fabrications, most are not. Those recently received from inmates who are incarcerated in general population and D.R highlight ongoing problems. Strong measures have to be taken against all those who are ordering or tolerating the abuses in America's prisons. America is a signatory to the UN document "The Minimum Standard of Treatment and Punishment." In Exxence, this document recognized that all prisoners, even those under a sentence of death, have inherent human rights which cannot be taken from them. On June 6th, 2004 many in the USA celebrated the civilized world's freedom which was recovered after thousands of human lives were sacrificed during World War II. The President, who was the ex-Governor of Texas, spoke about compassion and forgiveness. But there must be more than words to make this a reality. There is a time for ACTION. Human rights begin at home, and the time has come to recognize that ALL people, including those incarcerated and even (especially) those under a death sentence, enjoy the most basic human right of all: the right to life! This is why we have decided to show the world what is taking place here and have thus created this online petition to attract people's attention on what COMPASSION is in within our prison's walls. The petititoners, Sincerely, | The Daily Schedule Der Tagesablauf Time
| Activity  | 3:00 a.m. | Breakfast is served Das Frühstück wird gebracht | 5:00 a.m. | Breakfast trays and outgoing mail are picked up. Frühstückstabletts und Ausgangspost werden abgeholt. | 6:00 a.m. | Shift change. Guards turn on all lights and wake everybody up, asking for names and numbers. Schichtwechsel.Wärter drehen das gesamte Licht an und wecken jeden und fragen nach Namen und Nummern. | 7:00 a.m. | Recreation for one hour, starting anywhere from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. Erholung für 1 Stunde, startet irgendwann zwischen 7:00 und 9:00 Uhr morgens. |
10:00 a.m. | Lunch Mittagessen | 11:00 a.m. | Lunch trays are picked up. Essentabletts werden eingesammelt. | 12 Noon 12:00 Uhr | Showers. You might be in there for 20 minutes to an hour. Duschen. So um die 20 Minuten bis 1 Stunde. | 1:30 p.m 13:30 Uhr
| Guards come around, turn on all the lights and check names and numbers to make sure no one has checked out on their shift. Wärter gehen herum, drehen das gesamte Licht an und kontrollieren Namen und Nummern, um sicher zu gehen, dass niemand ausserhalb seiner Zelle ist. | 2:00 p.m. 14:00 Uhr | Shift change. Guards come around and check names and numbers. Schichtwechsel. Wärter gehen herum und kontrollieren Namen und Nummern. | 4:00 p.m. 16:00 Uhr | Dinner is served. Abendessen wird gebracht. | 5:30 p.m. 17:30 Uhr | Dinner trays are picked up. Essentabletts werden abgeholt. | 7:00 p.m. 19:00 Uhr | Guards make rounds with porters, sweeping and mopping the run ways Wachen machen Rundgänge mit Pförtnern, fegen und wischen die Laufgänge. | 7:30 p.m. 20:30 Uhr | Guards pass out the daily inbound mail. Wachen verteilen die tägliche Eingangspost. | 9:30 p.m. 21:30 Uhr
| Guards come around, turn on all the lights and check names and numbers to make sure no one has checked out on their shift. Wachen kommen herum, drehen das gesamte Licht an und kontrollieren Namen und Nummern um sicher zu stellen, dass niemand ausserhalb seiner Zelle ist. | 10:00 p.m. 22:00 Uhr
| Shift change. Guards turn on all lights and wake everybody up, asking for names and numbers. Schichtwechsel. Wachen drehen das gesamte Licht an und wecken jeden, fragen nach Namen und Nummern. | 11:30 p.m. 23:30 Uhr | Guards make rounds with porters, sweeping run ways and checking to see if you need any I-60s sick cell request, visiting change list, etc. Wachen machen Runden mit Pförtnern, fegen Laufwege und fragen nach, ob jemand etwas braucht, Wechsel auf der Besucherliste usw. | Midnight 24:00 Uhr | Between midnight and 1:30 a.m. guards come around and change laundry. Zwischen Mitternacht und 2:00 morgens kommen die Wachen herum und tauschen Unterwäsche, Shorts und Socken aus. | 3:00 a.m. 3:00 Uhr | Breakfast is served. A new day begins Frühstück wird gebracht. Ein neuer Tag beginnt. | |
1 comentário:
Dia a dia na prisão Polunsky no Texas:
3:00 – Pequeno almoço é servido;
5:00 – As bandejas do pequeno almoço são recolhidas e é distribuido o correio;
6:00 – Mudança de turnos. Os guardas acendem todas as luzes e acordam todos os reclusos, perguntando os seus nomes e numeros;
7:00 – Uma hora de recreio, com começo á escolha entre as 7:00 e as 9:00;
10:00 – Almoço;
11:00 – As bandejas do almoço são recolhidas;
12:00 – Hora do chuveiro. Têm de lá estar mais de 20 minutos e menos de 1 hora;
13:30 – Os guardas fazem a ronda. Acendem todas as luzes e voltam a verificar os nomes e numeros para terem a certeza que ninguém ficou de parte na sua ronda;
14:00 – Troca de turnos. Os nomes e numeros dos reclusos são mais uma vez verificados;
16:00 – Jantar;
17:30 – As bandejas do jantar são recolhidas;
19:00 – Os guardas fazem rondas com porteiros de modo a impossibilitar qualquer tipo de fuga fazendo estes tambem uma procura de qualquer tipo de esquema para o mesmo efeito;
19:30 – Os guardas recolhem o correio dos reclusos que será entregue fora do estabelicimento prisional;
21:30 – Os guardas fazem a ronda. Acendem todas as luzes e voltam a verificar os nomes e numeros para terem a certeza que ninguém ficou de parte na sua ronda;
22:00 – Mudança de turnos. Os guardas acendem todas as luzes e acordam todos os reclusos, perguntando os seus nomes e numeros;
23:30 – Os guardas fazem rondas com porteiros de modo a impossibilitar qualquer tipo de fuga, verificando tambem se algum recluso precisa de assistência médica, mudanças na lista de visitas, etc;
00:00 – Entre a meia noite e a 1:00 os guardas vêm e trocam o que é pra ir pra lavandaria;
3:00 – O pequeno almoço é servido. Começa um novo dia.
Hora das visitas:
Segunda-feira – 8:00 ás 17:00;
Terça-feira- 8:00 ás 17:00;
Quarta-feira- 8:00 ás 12:00;
Quinta-feira- 8:00 ás 17:00;
Sexta-feira- 8:00 ás 17:00;
Sábado- 17:30 ás 19:30 e 20:00 ás 22:00;
Domingo- Não há visitas.
Tempo de visita- 2 horas;
Visitas especiais (á distância de 500 milhas)- 4 horas por dia (2 dias por mês).
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